
The Interventions module has been created to monitor and track identified pupils needing extra support or provision in specified areas.

It can be used to follow their attainment, progress and conduct over the set intervention period and compare this to when outside the intervention group.

This module is located in Workspace > Interventions.

The application allows you to to define additional provisions, allocate students to those provisions and record and view any assessment data for a group of students.  

It will allow you to describe the extra activities, record any costs and then view how the students are performing in any of the reports held within the database.  There is also an interventions reports area for information specific to interventions.


How can we use this area?

This module can be used in several different ways:

 1. Basic set up with one whole school intervention group

Using the basic set up will allow you to identify pupils who are in, or have been in an intervention group this year. You may want to create one general, multi year intervention group, for example; if you are already using an intervention tracking system or just want to know which pupils are attached to an intervention group, but don't need to necessarily track them.  

The intervention group will be available in the assessment reports to show these pupil's progress and attainment, enabling you to decide if the intervention has been successful. These students can be filtered from reports by using the Aspects column with the letter 'I', or by using the one intervention dynamic group that you set up.

 2. Intervention set up with separated intervention groups and costs

This option offers all of the features that the basic set up offers, as well as the ability to create separate groups within the interventions module, which can be tracked individually.

By adding cost details, you can monitor expenses by intervention group and by individual students. This is an excellent way to show if interventions have been successful and cost effective.

3. Full Interventions Package

Shown below.

Creating the intervention

Step 1 - Create the intervention

The opening page is the overview page and from here you can generate a new intervention.

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The first process is to generate the additional provision.  

Click on the Add New button and choose the year group that the pupils are in, or Multi if spread over more than one year group.  Choose next a group name, subject and description of the group and it’s purpose. You can then, if required, choose an entry and exit data name e.g. Level 1 Assessment and an assessment type, for example: specify if you will be reporting in grades, percentage or text etc.

Set a date range through which the group will be monitored as well as a review date. Also, state the allocated time per week that the group will have the extra provision. Once all fields have been set, click the Add Group tab.


Step 2 - Configure Groups

Once a group has been set up you are then able to set estimated costings and a budget for the group.

The group is automatically set as a Dynamic Group to be used in reports unless you remove it.

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You can assign one or multiple staff members to the group with the cost of their services and also any additional costs such as supplies. Once these are input, if you click Estimate Cost, these will be added together to show the total so far  Also, a Budget (Total) can be added to keep a track of current expenditure versus allocation.

Once the provision has been added, you can then edit if necessary the configuration of the provision, the students, information about the session including attendance at the session and any additional assessment information. 


Step 3 - Add students to group

You can add students to the group either by clicking on the Add Students to Groups tab at the top of the page or by clicking on the green Add Students button within the group bar.

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Once the group has been chosen, a list of pupils will appear that are connected to the same academic year(s) as the group. From here just click onto the pupils that you wish to be included, at which point a red border will appear around them – if you choose a child in error you can remove them by simply clicking again on the name.

You can reorder the list of students by name, form or Checkpoint Data. Save.


Add Session Data:

Now that the initial set up has taken place staff are able to add data to the group.

Click on the Add Session Data tab and choose the required group from the drop down.  Choose the date of the session and click Choose.

Pupils assigned to the group appear in a register format where they can be marked as present or left blank if absent. Notes and assessment marks can be added to each pupil and an overall session notes area can be populated with any comments and information regarding that session.

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Once the information has been added for a session and saved it can still be edited if needed.

By clicking onto the Edit Group Data tab you can click into any of the areas to add, amend or delete.

In this area you can also remove pupils from the group and add a leaving date.

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You can change a date range by clicking on that shown to edit and then save using the tick.

If you have been entering data for the students then you will see a table showing any notes and assessment marks recorded.


Reporting on interventions

The Reports tab opens up an analysis area for you to track and display pupil's progress.

The Group Conduct report displays per student a graph of any given conduct codes assigned to date over the academic year. You can also choose multiple pupils to show an average of their cumulative conduct.

This data is retrieved from the Conduct area in the pupils' profiles. 

The yellow colouring in the background indicates when the intervention started and ended.  This helps to show any differences in behaviour when in or out of the group.

Hovering over each section on the graph will show what conduct codes were awarded, how many points were given or removed and when. You can also remove certain codes from the display, for example; if I only wanted to show positive codes I could remove the minuses, detentions and negative referrals by clicking on their tabs at the bottom of the graph.

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The Group Attendance All Year report will display an individual’s percentage attendance at intervention group sessions and also a comparison with the school’s overall attendance target, as well as the cumulative attendance of the whole. 

Again, you can remove the pupil’s attendance or the cumulative attendance by clicking on the tab at the bottom, to just show one or the other against the school target.

Hovering over points will bring up individual percentages.

The cumulative whole school attendance line shows the attendance percentage at each checkpoint which is colour coded green, amber and red, depending on the configuration of your attendance graphs.  

This is set up in Admin>Config>Attendance Graphs where you can set the level at which you want the attendance to show as; green, amber and red.

This report can help group leaders keep a track of attendance for their group to hopefully show at the end of the sessions, pupils attending the interventions have made improvements.

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The Group Assessment All Year report displays an individual pupil’s attainment points over the academic year for the chosen intervention group’s subject . The line graph charts the steps achieved at each checkpoint throughout the academic year and also at each checkpoint, a coloured circular area shows how much progress is made between each checkpoint. Standard expected progress should be 1 step per checkpoint if using 6 checkpoints per year. If 1 step of progress is made between 2 consecutive checkpoints, at the second checkpoint an orange circle will appear. If more than 1 step progress is made the circle will be green, likewise if the pupils make no progress or fall behind, the circle will appear red. The larger the difference between expected progress and above or below, the larger the circle will appear.

The report can also show cumulative data for the whole group to chart the attainment and progress of all children as an average between checkpoints.

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This graphical report tracks an individual pupil’s attainment and progress over the academic year.

The report can also show cumulative data for the whole group, to chart the attainment and progress of all children as an average between checkpoints.

Hovering over each checkpoint will show scores and dates awarded.

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The Student Intervention Timeline is a visual timeline to show when the pupil joined the intervention group, which session he/she has attended and when he/she left the intervention group.

You can expand the timeline by clicking on 'Expand All Dates' to show session notes and attainment noted within each session. Clicking onto 'Collapse All Dates' will remove the extended information.

You can open and close session details notes on the timeline by clicking onto the required session so that some can be open and some collapsed.

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The Simple Provision Map gives a basic overview of all intervention groups including how many pupils and staff are involved for what duration, including which year group.

The table can be expanded to show the cost of the provision and the names of the pupils and staff involved.

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The Complex Provision Map is chosen by year group and will display all children within that year group that are allocated to one or more intervention groups. The report shows the duration and cost for each child’s provision across all intervention groups and is an excellent way to show how any special additional funding has been allocated. Indicators are displayed next to the pupil to show if they are FSM, Pupil Premium, SEN etc.

There are 2 rows at the bottom of the page, which show the total sessions attended per group out of a maximum possible sessions and the total cost per intervention group for the chosen academic year. There is also a total cost for all groups within that year group and a comparison for all years together.

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