You can upload student photos in bulk at Admin > Students > Bulk Photo Uploader.
Please note: photos cannot be deleted in bulk after import if the file has been created incorrectly i.e. wrong student ID on photo
The Bulk Photo Uploader allows you to upload photographs for multiple students at the same time. Images imported into ScholarPack will appear on the student's individual profile page and will also be available in various reports: the Photos report, as well as Medical and Dietary Requirements reports.
Preparation before the Photographs are taken
For successful import into ScholarPack, photographs must be labelled with the student's unique Student ID or their UPN. They must also be in .jpg or .png format.
School photographers will be able to provide your photographs in the required format - please liaise with them to let them know your needs in advance of your photography session.
The image below is an example of how to name a student's photo file.
You are able to provide photographers with a list of your students along with their Student ID by going to Reporting > Reports > Custom Reports and choosing to include the ScholarID option. You may choose to run this report per year or form group, or for the entire school in one go.
Download the report and send to the photographer. It will ensure students are called up in the specified order and the photos then clearly labelled with the correct Student ID.
Selecting Files for Upload
Once you have the Photo file from your photographer, in the Bulk Photo Uploader area click on Choose Files. They may be on a CD or a USB stick, or in a folder on your computer ready for upload to ScholarPack.
Note: If you have been sent the photos in a zip file, you will need to extract all the photos and save them to your computer first. Right click on the zip file for the option to extract.
Alternatively, you may have individual photo files that a member of staff may have taken. As long as they are labelled with the Student ID or UPN, they can also be uploaded via this route.
Click on 'Choose Files' and then select your stored data file.
Select all photo files (hold down Control or Shift to select multiple files) and then click 'Open'.
They will now appear under the 'Select Files' tab as they are being processed and once they are imported a list of filenames with 'completed' will be displayed.
Click 'Upload Photos'.
If you now go to a student's profile page you will see the photograph displayed.
If you wish to remove the photo, you can do so by click on the red cross.
To view all the student photos, and view who may be missing one, go to Reporting > Reports > Student (tab) > Photos.
ScholarPack automatically scales photos to be at a resolution of 180x180 and a file size of 13Mb. Sometimes the scaling can pixelate the photos if the resolution is too high or the photo is too rectangular, which makes them appear fuzzy. If this occurs, ask the photographer to try reducing the resolution or cropping them into a square shape if this happens.