If you need to enter a student meal for a date in the past, or edit a meal choice already selected, go to Admin > Meals > Individual Student Lunches.
Enter the date you require (or the start and end date if for a longer period), and select the student's name from the drop-down menu. Click Choose to run the report.
Tick in the cell beneath the meal choice required and a green tick indicates the meal is selected. If a meal type change is required, click on the new meal choice and the former meal is automatically replaced by the new meal.
In this example, this student has changed to sandwiches just for the week commencing 26/02/2024.
If you were applying meal choices for an entire class, it is advisable to use the Manage Student Lunches Icon.
Set the date, and the year group or form required, then click Choose to view the students.
At the base of the page you can assign a meal type in bulk for all students (e.g. click on Assign at the base of a meal choice), or individually select the meal choice for each student that day. You can only assign (or remove) a meal for one date at a time in the Manage Student Lunches report.