Error 160: The URN is missing or does not match the URN recorded on GIAS

Your school URN on ScholarPack needs to match the records on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) website. mceclip0__3_.png

How to Resolve

Go to Admin > Config > Core Setup > School, or click on your school name at the top right of ScholarPack.

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If your URN is not correct, or missing, please ask your Head Teacher to contact your Support Team from their Head Teacher email address and provide the correct URN (in addition to confirming the old URN). We can only accept this request from the Head Teacher or the Executive Head Teacher. 

  • If your school is supported by Scholarpack directly, click the 'Contact Us' button in the top right of the Help Centre
  • If your school uses a Support Partner, please contact them. Click their name in the top right of your Scholarpack above the search box, for their contact details.
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