This error arises when the number of students recorded as receiving a Free School Meal (FSM) on Census Day is greater than the students in the school eligible for FSM.
Go to the front page of the Spring Census and click on Free School Meals.
A window will pop up showing the number of students recorded as receiving FSM that day.
This figure must not include students only eligible for Universal Free School Meals (UFSM), which is all students in Years 0, 1 & 2.
FSM is a separate category, for those students who qualify on economic grounds.
Go to Reporting>Reports>Free School Meals:
Here you can see the total figure of students in the school who are eligible for FSM at the base of the table.
Check the figure entered for FSM on census day, as well as the students in the table with an open period for FSM.
Check if any students have recently entered or left the school with FSM entitlement.
Amend your data then recalculate the Spring Census.