Error 2372: Off roll pupil's date of leaving a school arranged alternative provision (AP) placement

Off roll pupil's date of leaving a school arranged alternative provision (AP) placement must be present and on or before the date the pupil left the commissioning school.

You can add or amend a pupil's placement leaving date via their student profile. 


To locate the off roll student profile go to Admin > Students > Search not on roll 



Search the student's name in the Student dropdown then click 'Choose'. 



Click on the 'Profile' button to open the students record.



To find the School-Arranged Alternative Provision details click on the Support tab > Scroll to the bottom and click the cog to the right of School-Arranged Alternative Provision. 



Click Edit next to the placement you want to update.



Enter or amend the placement leaving date then press Save.

If a leaving date has already been entered, check that this is on or before the date that the student left the school (found in the Extended tab of the student profile).



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