Query 4265Q: Teacher appears to be in second year of induction after more than 4 years in post.

Teacher appears to be in second year of induction after more than 4 years in post. Please check.


This is looking at whether the teacher is in their 1st or 2nd year of being a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) and their contract start date. 

How to Resolve 

  • Go to Admin > Personnel > Staff > Locate the staff member.
  • Above where their photo would be, click the cog next to their name to open their Personal Details.
  • Find the 'Newly Qualified Teacher' field - this shows if they are in their 1st or 2nd year. 
  • If this is incorrect please amend it and save by pressing Submit


  • Next, check their contract start date by clicking the grey cog next to the contract name


  • If the staff member has been in post longer than 2 years then they cannot be a NQT in their 1st or 2nd year.  If this is correct, you'll need to add a validation note when submitting your census.


If the staff member has other contracts, check these too as the error could be linked to an expired contract.

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