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Student Custom Report


Reporting > Reports > Students (tab) > Custom Report

What does the report display?

This report allows you to generate a custom student report containing data items that you select. The student's name is automatically included. Any other information that you require from the list  (Gender, UPN, etc) must be selected. 


How do I filter this report?

The filters available when running this report are:

  • Group (this includes year groups, key stages, and all of your dynamic and static groups) 
  • Forms choose from pastoral groups

Once you have selected from the group filters, you can then select the data items that you would like to include on your report.  

Choose from the drop down at the bottom the order that you wish to have the group displayed in, e.g by surname and then click Choose to produce the basic tabular report.

How do I order, remove and filter data?

  • Click the column headers to sort the data by that column (alphabetically, numerically or chronologically, according to the data). If holding Shift you may apply this function to further columns.
  • Click the Bin icon (above column header) to delete a column.
  • Use the filter box (text entry field below column header) to filter the data using specific criteria in that category. Click into a filter box then hover over it with your mouse for a full list of operators that can be used.

You can export or print your data using the yellow icons on the top right hand side:


 Additional information

  • Clicking on the student's name takes you to their student profile
  • Names highlighted in red represent the students who are no longer on roll
  • The star on the report identifies a Favourite report.  Click on the star to add to, or remove it from the Favourites area of the reports panel.
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