Report on Young Carers

There are two places you can report on Young Carers from.

In Support Reports

All Support Reports can be found under Reporting > Reports > Support (tab). Select Young Carer.


What does the report display?

This report displays any students who are recorded as being young carers.



The report allows you to filter for current, former and future students, as well as see historical young carers.



The information displayed can be exported as either a Word,Excel or PDF document.  You can also display the report as either Landscape or Portrait.



In the Data Digger

Go to Reporting > Data Digger

You can create a Dynamic Group for any students recorded as a Young Carer on their profile.

See - Using Data Digger for creating a Dynamic Group or Static Group of students

Select Young Carer from a drop down - 

mceclip0.png mceclip1.png


Click on the number within the circle to view who your Young Carer students are.

To create/save the Dynamic Group, enter a name for the group in the box provided then press 'Create Dynamic group'. 


A notification will appear under the button to confirm its been saved - 


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