Go to Reporting > Reports > Students (tab) > History of Schools
This is a basic tabular report to show previous schools attended by current, former or future pupils. Choose from the drop down box the group or form you would like to view data for and click 'Choose'.
Off rolled children are listed in red.
Clicking into a child's surname within the table will take you through to their individual profile area.
A column will be displayed to show the child's previous school and another to show the date that they left that school.
The report can be filtered by typing into any of the empty text fields underneath a heading or by clicking on the column header to sort ascending or descending alphabetically, numerically or chronologically.
Columns can be removed by clicking on the trash can icon on the column header.
The report is exportable by choosing the yellow download icon at the top right hand side of the screen. You can export to Word, Excel or PDF.