Reporting on School-Led Tutoring


Go to Reporting > Reports > Students (tab) > School-led Tutoring

This report will display all students who have Yes assigned to them for School-led tutoring on their student profile extended tab, with the hours received to date, and the academic year this was provided.

There is also a notes field for any additional information.  



You may select an academic year prior to clicking Choose, if you only wanted one year displaying.



The report can be downloaded at the top right of the screen by clicking on the arrow icon. Any column not required can be removed prior to downloading, by clicking on the dustbin icon in the column header. 

Dynamic Group for School-led Tutoring

Go to Reporting > Data Digger and select School-led Tutoring from a drop down - 



Click on the number within the circle to view who your students are.

To create/save the Dynamic Group, enter a name for the group in the box provided then press 'Create Dynamic group'.

A notification saying New Group Recorded will appear under the button to confirm its been saved.


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