Staff Absence Reports

To report on staff absences, go to Reporting > Reports > Staff (tab).

Staff Absences

This Report will display a summary of staff absences, as recorded on their staff profiles.

The report can be viewed in a number of ways and will allow you to view a summary of data recorded on each staff member's attendance profile. 

Select the date range you wish to report on, then under Attendance by you can run the report by: StaffEpisodeReason and Lates type.

You also have the option to include Inactive Staff Members (former staff).

  • The reports are produced in a table format displaying columns relating to the report title.  
  • All column headers can be ordered; simply click on the column title (for alphabetical or numerical order).
  • To remove a column, use the bin icon in the column header.  
  • You can also use the box beneath the column header to enter a search term in order to filter further: e.g. enter the staff name or a search query (see image above, with the use of >=1 to filter the column for any lates of 1 or above entered. Hover your mouse over the box to see the options available to you).

The information displayed can be directly printed, or exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also download the report as either Landscape or Portrait. Click on the yellow Print or Download options in the top right of the screen for this.

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Attendance by: Staff

This will list each staff member with OR without a contract and their attendance data.

The Episodes column will give averages for the school based on the data and a summary of each staff member's attendance can be found by clicking on the icon in the Summary column. 

Please note that if a staff member does not have a contract the system will work out full time equivalent sessions from the date range you have chosen.

by staff.png


 Attendance by: Episode

This will display every Episode of staff absence where an episode is an individual recorded period of absence. 

A session is AM or PM, so two sessions represents a whole day. It will give the reason for the absence with any notes.

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Attendance by: Reason

This will list staff absence by Reason, using the staff absence categories recorded on ScholarPack (Admin > Personnel > Staff Absence Codes).

It provides the number of Sessions recorded against each Reason, number of Staff absent with that category and the number of Episodes recorded in the date range selected.

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Attendance by: Lates

This will list the number of Lates by session for each day recorded on that member of staff's profile. It'll also show the accumulated total for each given session of the week.

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Total Possible Sessions Differ in the Staff Absences Report

There are a number of reasons which may explain why a member of staff has a different number of possible sessions compared to other staff in school. It could be due to:

  1. The school arrival date of the staff member i.e. if the staff member's school arrival date is after the start of the academic year, then the possible sessions attended will be different to those with arrival dates before that.
  2. Not counted absence codes that have been assigned to a staff i.e. Late (L) or Part Time (P).
  3. There are missing attendance codes for the staff member.

All these reasons will effect the total possible sessions for a staff member.


Staff Member is missing from the Staff Absence Report

Please see our guidance on this here.


Monthly Totals Year

This report is a staff absence report where the data is broken down by month and term, for the selected academic year.  It will show number of sessions lost each month and a percentage attendance for each term.

monthly totals.png


You can display the data by academic year and choose whether to include inactive staff (those who have left the school).

To download the report, click on the yellow arrow at the top right of the screen. You can export it in Word, Excel or PDF format, landscape or portrait. You can also print the page directly by selecting the print icon.

staff absences for year.png

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