Go to Reporting > Reports > Staff (tab).
This report is a staff absence report specifically for schools under the Enfield LEA. It allows them to produce an absence report containing the relevant information their LEA requested, including the absence codes. It defaults to the current month.
This report can be used by anyone, but please keep in mind it was designed some time ago and may not show what other schools need.
When all the absence data has been recorded, the SW8 Return will contain all the relevant information on a monthly basis. It will display the names of staff who have had an absence recorded in the period selected, the first and last date of absence, the absence type and reason for absence, as well as the number of days lost. You can only filter this report by selecting the date range or using the Quick Dates links (see image below).
To download the report click on the appropriate icon in the top right of your screen. You can export it in Word, Excel or PDF format, landscape or portrait. The SW8 report is required in Excel format (XLS) for Enfield LEA.
The Excel document will show all relevant data but it will need to be copied into the school's blank SW8 Proforma supplied by the Enfield LEA. Copy the data from the Excel spreadsheet from cell A4 and then paste into the SW8 Proforma.
Once the data has been copied into the SW8 form, the drop down options within the absence AM/PM, absence type, reason for sickness and A/D are still available, this can then be saved and sent onto whoever needs the information.
Please note that when using versions of Excel from Open Office or Libre Office, some of the drop down menus within the spreadsheet may not be available. We would recommend the Microsoft Office version of the Excel spreadsheet.