Reporting > Reports > Staff (tab) > Contracts
What does the report display?
This report displays all staff with or without employment contracts recorded on their staff profiles.
You can find more information on this here: How to add staff contract details to Scholarpack
Only staff with the HR (Human Resources) user role on ScholarPack will be able to view this information.
You are able to show staff members who are 'Inactive' (have left the school) and also any expired contracts.
How do I filter this report?
This report is produced as a table displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column. There is a search box beneath each Header column for entering text to search the report (e.g. staff surname or post).
Inactive Staff have their names appear in RED
Expired Contracts have their Contract Type displayed in PURPLE
How do I export this data?
To download and save this report, click on the yellow arrow at the top right of the page, or print directly using the print icon.
Note: Due to the amount of information within the report, it can only be printed in landscape.