Staff Details Report

Go to Reporting > Reports > Staff > Details.

What does the report display

This report will list all staff along with their date of birth, any disabilities, ethnicity, role, contract renewal date, email, home and mobile phone numbers.  

How do I order, remove and filter data

This report produces a table displaying columns relating to the report title. All column details can be ordered; simply click on the column title. To remove a column, use the bin icon in the column header. You can also show any Inactive (former) Staff members by selecting the option. They will be in RED in the report.

You can individually select the staff whose details you wish to appear in the document by ticking the box in the far right-hand column of the table. Alternatively, click on "check all" at the top of the column to put information about all staff into your document (or "Uncheck All" to remove them all in order to select a few). 

staff details.png


How do I export this data?

To download and save this report, click on the yellow arrow at the top right of the page, or print directly using the print icon.

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