These reports will show you attendance codes by student, by group, and a count of each code. For more details on these codes, see our guidance here: List of Register Attendance Codes
All Attendance Codes by Student
Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > All Codes by Student (Numbers)
This report will show you the students within a count of each attendance code between a date range.
Choose the year group or form that you would like to report on using the drop down box. You will also have to choose a date range to filter your attendance code, by default the date range will always be from the start of the academic year until the present day. You will also have the option to include current, former and future students.
The report will be produced in a tabular format displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column.
The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also display the report as either landscape or portrait.
The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.
All Attendance Codes by Group
Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > All Codes by Group
This report summarises by groups, year, form, dynamic and static groups the attendance codes recorded between the specified date range. You can display the data as either a number of occurrences of a code or a percentage.
- When you access this report you will have the following filters; student type (All, Current, Former, Future), year, group (Dynamic or Static) and house. You can also split the results by year and form as well as listing any dynamic or static groups within the year/form selected.
- Next you will need to select a period to report on using the date pickers whilst you also have the option to exclude students who are under 5 years old on a specified date.
Once the report has been generated you can switch between count and percentage by using the radio button.
The report will be produced in a tabular format displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column.
To filter this data further each column header will have a text entry field where you can produce results based on your requirements, for text fields you can enter filters which will return all the data relating to that value. If the the field is a whole number or a date range you are able to enter the options, equal to (=), greater than (>), or less than (<).
Exporting your data allows you to print, save, or further edit the information on screen. To do so, click this icon (in the top-right corner):
- Clicking on the student's name will take you to their individual profile
- Student names highlighted in red represent students who are no longer on roll.
- The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.
Attendance Code Count
Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Code Count
This report allows you to identify the number of times an attendance code has arisen during a period of time for each student. An aggregate total will be produced at the bottom of the report indicating the amount of students that have been returned.
- When you access this report you will have the following filters; year, form, dynamic and static groups and the option to include current, former or future students.
- Next you will have to choose a date range to filter your attendance code, by default the date range will always be from the start of the academic year until the present day.
- Next you will need to select the attendance code you would like the report to be based on, i.e (L) late. Click Choose to produce your report based on these filters.
The report will be produced in a tabular format displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column.
- The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also display the report as either landscape or portrait.
- Clicking on the student's name will take you to their individual profile.
- Names which are highlighted in red represent the students who are no longer on roll.
- The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.
To filter this data further, each column header will have a text entry field where you can produce results based on your query, for text fields you can enter a string which will return all students relating to that value. If the field is an integer or a date range you are able to enter the queries, equal to (=), greater than (>), or less than (<).
You can also toggle between count and percentages.