Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Custom Attendance Report.
This report allows you to customise your attendance requirements by picking from the various options before generating the report.
Before filtering your report please click choose your date range - by default the date range will be from the start of the academic year to the current date.
Select from the following options:
- Ethnicity
- Groups
- To include a particular year or years
- To exclude particular absence codes
Top Tip: By holding down the 'ctrl' button on your keyboard you are able to make multiple choices.
Other options available are to exclude attendance for children under 5 years old on a specified date, change the persistent absence threshold, include former students and only show sessions for students on roll for the complete period chosen.
The group option in the custom report is a dynamic filter, meaning that the students need to fit into both groups you choose to be pulled through.
- You could choose Girls and SEN Support and this will show you all your Female SEN Support students
- You couldn't choose SEN Support and No SEN Record as student can not be both SEN and Not SEN at the same time.
Once you have selected your criteria and hit 'Choose' a table will appear with your list of chosen options.
Columns can be removed by clicking on the bin icon on the column header.
- The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can choose to display the report as either Landscape or Portrait.
- The star on the report identifies a 'favourite' report. Click the star to toggle yes or no.