By Student
Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Gaps in Register by Student
This report will show all students who have periods of attendance to which no DfE code has been allocated.
- Clicking on the student's name will take you to their individual profile
- Student names highlighted in red represent students who are no longer on roll.
The filters available when running this report are:
- Group (this includes Year groups, Key Stages, and all your Dynamic and Static groups)
- Forms (all form groups)
- Current Students
- Former Students
- Future Students
Note: the Group and Form filters may be applied simultaneously.
Click on the date range for a student and you will be taken to the manage register area for the student selected and date range, to enable you to enter the appropriate attendance code.
Exporting your data allows you to print, save, or further edit the information on screen.
By Date
Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Gaps in Register by Date
This will show all students who are either missing attendance data or have N codes recorded. It will show missing data from the start of the school year until the date the report is run.
Gaps in Register: No code recorded
To find out where you have any gaps in you register, select the link to Gaps in Register by Date. This will take you to a calendar display where dates where there are any gaps in the register will be highlighted with a red circle.
By clicking on the red circle you will be taken to a table that will show how many sessions (gaps) you have on that day and in which year group.
When you select ‘Fix Gaps’ you are taken to the Manage Register area of ScholarPack where the year group and date are pre-selected and you can enter and save the appropriate registration code.
If you cannot find the gap in register for a student, select 'Show Former Students' and click 'View Register' again to refresh the page. The student with the gap may no longer be on roll.
N Codes
Using the same calendar but this time with the slider set to N Codes, any instances where an N code has been recorded will be marked with a blue circle.
By clicking on the blue circle you will be taken to a table that will show how many sessions have an N code (No code) on that day and in which year group.
Selecting ‘Fix N Codes’ will take you to Manage Register where again the year and date are pre-selected and you can change the N code if you wish to a more accurate code for the absence (e.g. M or I).
The dates that are greyed out in the Gaps in Register by Date Report are days when the school was closed to students.