You can report on individual student attendance by session, or by group.
Individual Session Summary report
Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Individual Session Summary
This report details by student and year and within a date range the number of possible attendance sessions together with data on a variety of absences recorded. You can also select either current, former or future students.
The report can be printed in one of the 3 standard formats and the columns are sortable.
Individual Attendance Summary Report
Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Individual Attend Summary
This report allows you to generate individual student attendance reports by group.
You can select within a specified date range by Group (including by year, key stage, dynamic or static group or any set intervention group) and also by Form.
You can also include or exclude current, former and future students.
You are then presented with individual student reports that can be printed off by choosing from the Word, Excel or PDF icon on the top right hand side.