Students Present Report

Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) > Students Present

What does the report display?

This report displays the number of students present on each day between the date range selected in each year group.  It will also summarise the number of students present in each key stage. 

How do I filter this report?

The filters available when running this report are:

  • option to Include former students (by default the report will only show students who are on roll)
  • option to Show only future students (showing all students with a future start date)
  • option to Show current students (showing all current students)
  • select your date range (only students with an entry date within your chosen date range will be shown)

Click Choose to produce your report based on these filters. 

students present report.png

How do I export this data?

Exporting your data allows you to print, save, or further edit the information on screen. To do so, click the icon in the top-right corner.

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