Go to Reporting > Reports > Attendance (tab) >Whole School Stats
The whole school statistics report displays a breakdown of the schools attendance statistics during a period. You have the additional option to break down your attendance data by each key stage or split by infants and juniors.
The report will display two columns, one that shows your attendance data based on students who are on roll and another that shows your attendance data including off rolled students.
Additional Information
This report will not include students who are flagged as guest students. The number of students who are on roll is determined by their entry date, not their attendance.
- Early Years Foundation Stage includes students who are in reception and below.
- Key Stage 1 includes students who are in years 1 and 2.
- Key Stage 2 include students who are in years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- Infants includes students who are in year 2 and below.
- Juniors includes students who are in year 3, 4, 5 and 6.
How do I export this data?
Only the information displayed on the screen will be exported. To export this information, click on the export icon at the top right of the page; DOC, XLS or PDF.
You will also have the option to choose if the information is displayed in landscape or portrait format (portrait format will be displayed by default when exporting).