Report on Post Looked After Arrangements

You can report on Post Looked After Arrangements a couple of ways.

1. Post Looked After Report

Reporting > Reports > Support (tab) > Post Looked After

What does this report display?

This report will show students who have any post looked after arrangements added to their profile which includes the following:

  • Adoption
  • Special Guardianship Order
  • Residence Order
  • Child Arrangement Order.

The Post Looked After report will list the student names, together with their year and form.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 14.08.28.png


How do I order, remove and filter data?

This report produces a table displaying columns relating to the report title. Simply click on the column header to order the data or select the bin icon to remove the column. To edit this report further, use the white text entry field to filter the data (e.g. by student name).


How do I export this data?

You can export the information in the table in the form of Word, Excel or PDF using the icons in the top right.

Additional information

Clicking on the student name will take you to the student profile. Any students appearing in red will be former students, if you have ticked to include them in the report.


2. Create a Dynamic Group

You can also create a Dynamic Group for any students recorded as having Post Looked After arrangements on their profile.


You would need to create separate Dynamic Groups for each reason. E.g. One for Adopted from Care, one for Special Guardianship Order etc).

Go to Reporting > Data Digger > Select Post looked after arrangements from a drop down. 

dynamic group.png


Another drop down box will appear below the first, for you to select which reason you want which will display how many students meet that criteria.

looked after reason.png


Click on the number within the circle on the left to view who the students are - 

see looked after students.png


To create/save the students as a Dynamic Group, enter a name for the group in the box provided then press 'Create Dynamic group'. A notification will appear under the button to confirm its been saved.

save dynamic group.png


Now you have your Dynamic Group, you can select it when running other reports where you see the 'Group' dropdown.

run reports with group.png

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