Learning Support Report

Go to Reporting > Reports > Support (tab) > Learning Support

What does the report display?

This Report lists all pupils with a Learning Support package in place, detailed on the student profile's Support tab.

The Report provides information about the recorded support each student receives. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 14.49.32.png


How do I order, remove and filter data?

This report produces a table displaying student Name, Year, Form, the Problem Encountered, Support Needed, Support Given and the Support Staff associated with them.  Simply click on the column header to order the data or filter the report by entering text in the search box beneath a column header (e.g. student name).

How do I export this data?

The information displayed can be exported as either a Word, Excel or PDF document. You can also display the report as either landscape or portrait.

Additional information

Please note: Clicking on the student's name will take you to their individual profile. Names which are highlighted in red represent the students who are no longer on roll. 

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