Incidents Report

Go to Reporting > Reports > Conduct (tab) > Incidents.

What does the report display?

This option provides a summary of all incidents recorded on ScholarPack. The types of incident are set up by the school in Incident Settings.

Please note that your reports may display different names if your school has customised conduct types in Admin > Config > Custom Relabelling.

  • Clicking on the student's name takes you to their student profile
  • Names highlighted in red represent the students who are no longer on roll
  • The star on the report identifies a Favourite report.  Click on the star to add to, or remove it from the Favourites area of the reports panel.

The incident type column is sortable and can be printed in either Word, Excel or PDF.  Click on "show graphs" to view a graph and pie chart of incidents that have occurred this year.


How do I order, remove and filter data?

The filters available when running this report are:

  • Date range allows you to select specific dates
  • Group (this includes Year groups, Key Stages, and all your Dynamic and Static groups) 
  • Forms (all form groups)
  • Include former students (by default the report will only show students who are on roll)
  • Show only future students (showing all students with a future start date)
  • Show current students (showing all current students)

Note: the Group and Form filters may be applied simultaneously. Leave filters blank to select whole school.

Click Choose to produce your report based on these filters.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.27.22.png


  • Click the column headers to sort the data by that column (by alphabetical, numerical or chronological, according to the data). If holding Shift you may apply this function to further columns.
  • Click the Bin icon (above column header) to delete a column.
  • Use the filter box (text entry field below column header) to filter the data using specific criteria in that category. Click into a filter box then hover over it with your mouse for a full list of operators that can be used.

How do I export this data?

Exporting your data allows you to print, save, or further edit the information on screen. To do so, click this icon (in the top-right corner).

The View Graph option will display all recorded incidents within the date range specified.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.28.09.png


To view print options, click on the three lines at the top right of the graphical image.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.28.33.png


View all incidents for a single student

To filter for just one student enter the student name in the white text boxes underneath the column headers and press enter on your keyboard. 

This will filter the report to show incidents for that student only.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 10.30.26.png


View only the aggressors

Once the report loads, in the blank space under the column heading labelled Role, type "Aggressor" (or whatever you have called the instigating role in your Admin > Config > Incidents setup), and then hit Enter on your keyboard.

This will filter the report to show only those with the role of aggressor.

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