Student Profile - Support Tab

The Support tab in a student profile shows details on any plans or support the individual students requires or is having. This includes SEN, Vulnerabilities, Disabilities, Interventions and any Alternative Provision.

Student Profile > Conduct (Tab)

1. SEN

This area is where you can record any Special Educational Needs and Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP), as well as any Broad Areas of Need and SEN Types.


2. SEN History

When you enter an end date to a SEN provision, this will then appear in the SEN history table on the right side of Support tab page.


3. Learning Support Needs

This section can be used to log details of any specific needs a student may have regarding their learning, with the support staff involved, with dates for any related assessments.

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is the process to identify children who have additional needs, assess needs and strengths and to provide them with a co-ordinated, multi agency support plan to meet those needs.


4. Support Log

The Support Log is the ideal location to record any notes for a student regarding their learning support, including communications with parents/carers.


Support Log


5. Vulnerability Indicators

This shows a table where you can select different concerns for the student and assign a colour coded level for the concern.


6. Individual Educational Plan (IEP)

An IEP is a document that helps teaching staff to plan for students. It should include strategies to help them learn and be used to review their progress. The IEP should be guided by the student's profile, records, assessments, their strengths and statement of SEN if they have one. It should help the student to access and engage with the curriculum.


7. Personal Profile

This is where you can record a students strengths, weaknesses, Interests and strategies. Click the cog next to 'Personal Profile' then 'Add New'.  When you're done, click Insert.


8. Disabilities and Paramedical Needs

Click the white cog to add or edit information.



9. Intervention

This area will display any interventions the student is part of.


10. Support Documents

This is where you can upload any student documents such as SEN paperwork. Click Upload to add a new document.


11. School Arranged Alternative Provision

These two areas will display any alternative provision for the student, as well as any historic provision.

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