Your School details is where you record all of the school's information which is needed in order to send information to the LA (Local Authority) or DfE (Department of Education) as part of your census return.
You can quickly access this by clicking on your school name in the top right of your Scholarpack -
You can also access this via Admin > Config > Core Setup > School
The information includes, name, address, number of pupils, type of school etc.
Once set, the majority of the data within this area will not need to be updated unless you need to make any changes.
Any information that needs to be changed as part of the end of year process (dates for the academic year) are highlighted when you complete year end in that section of ScholarPack.
You are able to update the information by pressing the Edit button at the top and once complete use the Update button to save your changes.
Most fields will have been filled in by ScholarPack Support staff, these are fields that are important to the system.
If you are not sure what to enter please visit Edubase (a DfE website which allows you to search for your school name and provides basic information about your school).